Saying it all in 700 words….

I recently had the opportunity to write a guest editorial in the Lewiston Sun Journal, and I gave myself the ridiculous challenge of trying to provide the big picture on education reform for a general audience in 700 words.  Here is the director’s cut (yes, a little longer…) US public schools are working to improve,… Continue reading Saying it all in 700 words….

5 Essential Practices for Ed-Tech Startups

During the early days, K-12 technology was about “buying the next thing,” and the cool factor weighed heavily with decision-makers who often had more buying authority than knowledge. Today it is more often an urgent research process by a team of leaders with complicated requirements and piles of new demands for very sophisticated features, especially… Continue reading 5 Essential Practices for Ed-Tech Startups

Kahn Academy Described

I found this TED talk presentation a better way to understand Kahn Academy, and its progress as a tool for schools.  I think some educators have been hesitant to support Kahn, partly because students would be consuming, rather than producing the videos (which would not technically be consistent with constructivist ideology.) This presentation shows how… Continue reading Kahn Academy Described